By Peer Water Exchange Posted on Tue 08 Nov 2016, over 8 years ago
Dear Kalyan and Shobhita,
Look forward to working with you.
I understand that you have 4 villages that are interested in building toilet facilities and maybe even treatment plants. You also have identified champions in each village.
Look forward to learning more about that and your plans.
In this process i want to connect you with a 'neighbour' - Aa Foundation for Community Development. Aa is building toilets in a couple of villages in Malur and we would be happy to arrange visits to their work so that on-the-ground connections and learnings can happen.
By Aa Foundation for Community Development Posted on Wed 09 Nov 2016, over 8 years ago
Welcome! Congratulating Proto village team for their initiative.
proto team members are welcome to visit our project area. our field staff will support in interaction and visits to the sites. community interaction will be best methods to understand our programme.
Field visit Planning can happen apart from 21st to 25th November 2016 and 20th to 26th December 2016.
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