By Gram Vikas Posted on Tue 16 Apr 2013, almost 12 years ago
what type of water sources have been tried in providing drinking water for the communities? What is the ratio of expenditure in source:collection chamber: distribution system?
By ANTODAYA Posted on Tue 16 Apr 2013, almost 12 years ago
The water from the mouth of the spring is being tapped for the filtration at the intake well fitted with slow sand filter media. It is the same design Gram Vikas uses in Thuamul Rampur block under OTELP project as we are also one of the FNGOs of OTELP in the area.
The system of Gravity fed pipe water first started by ANTODAYA in Taragaon village of Thuamul Rampur block in the year 1998 with support from Save the Children under their Kalahandi water & development project and learning from the system it got replicated in other villages by both Gram Vikas & ANTODAYA.
The ratio of expenditure 20:80 approximately for collection chamber : distribution system. It varies from village to village depending upon the distance of the source from the village and also the size of population as well as the number of hamlets /habitations according to which the pipe line and the storage tank(s) at the village point for distribution of water are designed.
Hope your point is answered. If any more clarification needed please feel free to write.
Dillip Kumar Das
By Team Blue Posted on Fri 19 Apr 2013, almost 12 years ago
Dear Dillip Babu,
Having visited several of the villages your work in a few months ago for a micro hydro assessment, I could not help but notice the synergy that Antodaya holds with local stakeholders. Where ever I visited, community members talked about Antodaya, your late founder, you, and members of your team intimately.
Having worked with communities myself, in the same region, I know it takes great time, commitment, and a willingness to learn from communities (rather than the other way around) to create such open closeness with communities. To maintain the closeness, is a whole another task! So, needless to say, I have been impressed in how the communities perceive Antodaya. (I should add the the communities I visited did not know that I knew of Antodaya, since I was not there with any Antodaya staff or work.)
My assumption is that you have been able to hold growing relationships with the communities because have chosen to focus on Thuamul Rampur, while others such as Pradan and Gram Vikas, work across Odisa, India, and even in Africa now. This does not mean that NGOs with a larger focus area cannot have close ties with the community, but my experience says that the larger the focus, the greater the challenge.
I know firsthand that most large funding comes only when you given the donor large targets. The targets often dilute the quality of work because the staff takes on more work and has less time to focus on the processes used to interface with communities. New staff for new targets in remote areas is often hard to find and even when hired they cannot perform having no local knowledge and hence become challenged within a few months, and resign from working in physically challenging remote regions.
My question for Antodaya:
I have come across few organizations with long experience that have chosen to stay small and focused on a specific region -- such as yours. Has Antodaya ever considered adding more geographic area to its work or more staff? Why or why not?
I am interested in know the values and the operational priorities that small/focused NGOs hold, versus that of large/international grassroots NGOs, and understanding the pro's and con's of both types of approaches.
Thank you.
By ANTODAYA Posted on Fri 19 Apr 2013, almost 12 years ago
Dear Dipti ji
I must thank you for putting these encouraging words here.
And I beg pardon that I can not comment on the works of other organisations working with larger target area and I should not.
Coming to your questions I would like to say that you have already answered your own questions in your observation paragraph. Still I would like to share with you that ANTODAYA believes in " Living with the people and Learning from the People" and not to do different things rather do the things differently and to bring some real changes with perfection whatever small it may be keeping our capacity in view. We are having less support for the projects, may be due to the limitations within us, but our wishes are also limited to a focused area till date as we still see these people are languishing with problems. We can not demand that we shall spread over a larger geographic area as DEMAND IS DESIRE BACKED BY WILLINGNESS AND ABILITY TO PAY FOR IT. ANTODAYA desires to spread to bigger areas slowly backed by willingness ------- but not having ability to pay for it .
Even sometimes standing on our firm ethics we do not go for projects / programmes which need lot many compromises with our own ethics. I am citing one example here:
ANTODAYA though pioneered the Self-help group concept in Kalahandi and subsequently got the awards from NABARD as well as Mission Shakti of Government of Odisha never wanted to run Micro-finance Institution (MFI) discarding the offers from different donor partners including NABARD on this subject, as it involves a refined system of Money lending and exploitation of the target community.
Hope my points will answer your questions. If any more you want please feel free to write.
Thanking You again
Yours sincerely
Dillip Kumar Das
By Peer Water Exchange Posted on Wed 01 May 2013, almost 12 years ago
Dear Dillip Kumar Das,
Look forward to having you as a member.
You have been at your work for a long time and your work seems to take a lot of time and patience (as well as sticking to principles).
From Dipti's comments you have deep roots in the communities you work in. So you obviously stay around long after construction has finished. Do you have some targets for assessing impact? Could be less diarrhea cases, ensuring 100% coverage, ...
Can you briefly state some of your experience with adoption of the operation of the project? How does the ownership get transferred? Do they have the resources for some of the bigger maintenance issues? Has there been times when some issue (breakage, repair, or appropriate enhancement) was beyond the community?
By ANTODAYA Posted on Thu 02 May 2013, almost 12 years ago
Dear Mr. Rajesh
Thank U for the comments and feed backs.
So far the community where we have installed the water systems not faced any bigger maintenance issues. For minor repairs/maintenance the community in those villages have been collecting a small user fees and deposit it in a common account. Yes in two villages called Turibhejiguda and Jhudingjor there are landslide near the pipe line and people of the village now approached the Block Development Officer to have some work for soil retaintion in the patch under MGNREGA. Hopefully the work would be done after the nod from the GRAM SABHA in the Panchayat
Assessment of the impact though not done in a structured manner, but our experience says in those villages where there is such pipe water supply system there is no diahorrea attack. You can log on to our website
and you can find links on water and there are stories about Taragaon village and also on Tijmali village telling about the plight of the area and also the impact after the water supply system.
Dillip Kumar Das
By Gram Vikas Posted on Wed 15 May 2013, over 11 years ago
Dear Dilip Babu,
Having worked in Kalahandi for quite some time, how has your experience been on addressing water security at the village level? Have you encountered conflicts around water within villages or across villages? Have you taken measures to address source sustainability, especially during the summer months?
Thanks for your reply. Best wishes for the good work!
By ANTODAYA Posted on Thu 16 May 2013, over 11 years ago
Dear Chitra
Greetings from ANTODAYA family.........!!!
On the conflict issues I am to say here that, in few cases it happened (both inter village and intra village) and those are got solved with dialogues in the community itself.
Source security aspect is addressed through protection of forest on the upper side of the source. The villagers are enlightened about the hazards due to PODU cultivation and they have resolved to not to go for PODU (shifting cultivation) near the source of the water. But it has to be more comprehensive and we are yet to practice.
Dillip Kumar Das
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