Monitor STP operations and treated water quality and reuse at Lake Shore Homes
Project to publicly and transparently monitor the STP operations and treated water quality at LSH.
Technology: ASP
Operations outsourced: No
Sewage Treatment Plant Data
No specific STP design or operating data-
NehaImplementation Status: completed Thu 11 Feb 2016, About 9 Years ago
Our visit to Lakeshore Homes's STP
On the 11th of February,2016 our school, Inventure Academy took us on a field trip to Lakeshore Homes to take a look at the S.T.P. they had. We observed how the STP worked and saw the different components involved in it. From what we saw, the STP at Lakeshore Homes was full functional and worked efficiently. The machinery was being maintained and checked on a regular basis and the equipment was up to date. The The water could be used for gardening, washing cars etc. although not for drinking. Even the solid waste was being used as manure and this also saves money and keeps the place green and clean.
An Anonymous Eighth Grader (Isabel Sunaina)Implementation Status: completed Thu 11 Feb 2016, About 9 Years ago
STP at LakeShore Homes
Two weeks ago our school Inventure Academy visited STPs around Bangalore. The STP at LakeShore Homes was in good working condition.
We observed the parts of the STP and someone explained to us how it worked. They showd us the clean water after the treatment and while it was not drinkable it could be used for watering plants, washing cars, etc.It seemed like it was in a working and functional condition. The solid waste was being used as manure. Comments: Good.
Pranav PadukoneImplementation Status: completed Thu 11 Feb 2016, About 9 Years ago
Sewage Treatment Plant
I felt it was really informative. I didn't know there where many ways
to treat water. Especially the biological treatment plant was really
interesting and how the plants treat water in a different way. I liked the trip a lot. -
aarushi ncImplementation Status: completed Thu 11 Feb 2016, About 9 Years ago
visit to the stp
it was a good experience as we got to see the different stp's and what happens after we flush. We learned new things and it helped us build our project. This visit showed us that there is still a hope for the future.if we keep building more stps we can fix the problem Bangalore is facing on shit.
Simran Hinduja (Inventure Academy)Implementation Status: completed Thu 11 Feb 2016, About 9 Years ago
visit to STP
we went to see an STP on the 11th of feb. we went to many places. we also got to see how the STP worked. overall it was a really good experience.and it was also interesting as we got to know a lot about how an stp looks like and how it works.
izzyyzzyyzyzyzyzImplementation Status: completed Thu 11 Feb 2016, About 9 Years ago
It was a great learning experience for me because SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT is something what everyone should no because the sewage is polluting the lakes and rivers.
Nikhileshwar SenImplementation Status: completed Thu 11 Feb 2016, About 9 Years ago
Lake Shore Homes-STP
The sewage treatment plant was functional and very efficient, it was interesting to see different steps of the process.The water went in as sludge but came out as clean drinking water.This is very efficient and I think if we can recreate this same model around Bangalore, then we can clean up Bangalore.
VibhanImplementation Status: completed Thu 11 Feb 2016, About 9 Years ago
STP review
The STP was functioning properly and we could see the difference between the starting sludge and the clean water that came out at the end. The end product was clear and did not have any smells. Everything looked like it was running fine. It seemed like it didnt take a lot of space either because all of it wasn't side by side but the tank was on top of other components. This would not be so hard to recreate in our own communities even if you did not have a lot of space.
prakruti chandrashekar(inventure academy)Implementation Status: completed Thu 11 Feb 2016, About 9 Years ago
We went to different communities and we saw how the STPs work. Some communities had a successful STP however some claimed to have a working STP but it was evident the the STP was not in working condition.
The communities we visited were:
1.rainbow drive
2.lake shore homeswe had a great experience during the field trip and realized how much we did not know about the water we use everyday that goes down the drains.
Vir Manepally ( Inventure Academy )Implementation Status: completed Thu 11 Feb 2016, About 9 Years ago
Sewage Treatment Plant @ Lake Shore homes.
The idea was just great. It was so impressive how one small group of people created such an amazing idea which could impact the world. It shows us how much they care. Despite all the small obstructions they had, they pushed through and managed to create some thing great. The STP was fully functional. The person who started it was one of the older members of the community who faced the problems earlier and wanted to change that for the newer investors in the community. This was so inspiring. It taught me how one person can make a difference, even though its such a small number. In the later week, I spread the information about the topic.
Hamza Ali (Inventure Academy)Implementation Status: completed Thu 11 Feb 2016, About 9 Years ago
Lake Shore Homes S.T.P
I felt that our visit to lake shore homes would be to see a partially functioning S.T.P or one that was not working at all. My views were proved wrong. The plant was in perfect working order. I was quite impressed by the conditions and the process of purification. i was quite interested to find that all of the final products were being re used. The treated water was being used to water the plants. The solid waste was being used as a manure. we saw that the equipment was working well and well maintained. The water that comes out of the plant is not fit for human consumption. Therefore it is not used for drinking water. I hope many more communities decide to use their S.T.P's and those who don't build ones like the one at Lake Shore Homes.
Achira ChatterjeeImplementation Status: completed Thu 11 Feb 2016, About 9 Years ago
Visit to Lake shore homes
The visit to the Lakeshore homes STP was a valuable experience for our students.We had earlier introduced the students to STP's with the help of Peer water exchange and they had worked on creating powerpoint presentations and charts that they presented during assembly.However, they gained a lot by actually seeing an STP in operation and were amazed to see how the whole process produced clear and clean water.
The students were convinced that they all need to have these installed in their own apartments. - Impact Assessment (M&E) Phase Project completed on 31 Dec, 2000 Implementation Phase
- Implementation Phase Project started on 1 Jan, 2000 Preparation Phase
Monitor STP operations and treated water quality and reuse at Lake Shore Homes
Project to publicly and transparently monitor the STP operations and treated water quality at LSH.
Technology: ASP
Operations outsourced: No
Creating and measuring long-term impact
Monthy costs in energy and staff for all water, sewage treatment, and general activies. Need to get economics of treatment only.
People Impacted: 200
People Getting Other Benefits: 200
Community getting sewage treated
Maintenance/Operating Costs Annual, in US$: $1000
Creating and measuring long-term impact
Monthy costs in energy and staff for all water, sewage treatment, and general activies. Need to get economics of treatment only.
- funded:
- $4,000
- Community:
- $4,000
- Final Cost:
- $4,000