Construction of a 1001 fontaines water treatment facility, Russei Koev


1001 fontaines aims at improving the health of rural populations by helping them produce and distribute safe drinking water in a sustainable way. A small water treatment facility is implemented and entrusted to a local operator trained to become a true entrepreneur. The water is sold at an affordable price, guaranteeing access to safe water for the villagers and the sustainability of the initiative.

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    Operating Status: no_data Thu 09 Feb 2023, About 2 Years ago

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  • Impact Assessment (M&E) Phase Project completed on 30 Dec, 2013 Implementation Phase
  • Implementation Phase Project started on 7 Jul, 2012 Preparation Phase

Construction of a 1001 fontaines water treatment facility, Russei Koev


1001 fontaines aims at improving the health of rural populations by helping them produce and distribute safe drinking water in a sustainable way. A small water treatment facility is implemented and entrusted to a local operator trained to become a true entrepreneur. The water is sold at an affordable price, guaranteeing access to safe water for the villagers and the sustainability of the initiative.


Creating and measuring long-term impact

The sustainability of the project is guaranteed by a micro-franchise approach : once the operator reaches the break–even point (ie when the revenues generated by the water sales cover all costs), he/she pays a monthly fee to a platform in charge of all maintenance.


Knowledge of project and process for sharing

To maximize the impact of the projet, specific capacity builing programs are continuoulsy set up, improving the model (social marketing, on going trainaing, R&D on quality, mobility)


Implementer: Teuk Saat 1001

Teuk Saat is a Cambodian NGO founded in 2007 by Chay Lo, also co-founder of 1001 fontaines.


Final Cost:
edit $21,500:
unicef and AFD (French development agency)
