The Women SHGs will identify the suitable beneficiaries to participate in the individual household toilet program.

The women SHGs will take the responsibility with the facilitation of Palmyra for site selection, collection of contribution, construction

  • Impact Assessment (M&E) Phase Project completed on 31 Mar, 2014 Implementation Phase
  • Juergen Puetz of PALMYRA
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Thu 26 Dec 2013, About 11 Years ago

    Toilet Construction

    The Project Officer and Field Worker with the Working Group visited another 5 toilets which are in completion stage in the village. The beneficiaries are:
    1.Mrs.Santha, Pallatheru
    2.Mrs.Dhanam, Pallatheru
    3.Mrs.Manonmani, near Tank
    4.Mrs.Sangunthala, Palltheru
    5.Mrs.Gandhi, Pallatheru

    3 beneficiaries followed the septic tank model and another 2 beneficiaries erected 6 cement rings to store the human waste due to residence is nearer to the tank area.

    All together 16 toilets are completed as on today.

    There are 5 families came forward and started the construction of the toilet in Ooru and Colony. The construction work may be completed by January 2014.

    We also contacted working group members to identify remaining 4 beneficiaries to complete the project within the project period.

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  • Juergen Puetz of PALMYRA
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: completed Wed 27 Nov 2013, About 11 Years ago

    Handing over the toilets

    Field worker visited another 3 new constructed toilets in the beneficiary family in the village. Those 3 families received construction cost under the PWX fund today.

    Name of the beneficiaries:
    1.Mrs.Ezhilarasi, Pallatheru
    2. Mrs.Saradha, Main Raod
    3. Mrs.Molavi, Pallatheru

  • Juergen Puetz of PALMYRA
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Mon 25 Nov 2013, About 11 Years ago

    Meeting on Toilet Construction Design, Expendtiture, finding new beneficiaries

    The project officer, Palmyra with working group members had discussion with individual beneficiary and collected data on construction cost involved. Also collected family profile for no. f beneficiaries will use the new toilet.
    There are 12 families completed as of today. Low line area families are constructed the septic tank below and above the ground level . On top of the septic tank built the bathroom and toilet. The waste water from the bathroom will not go into the septic tank. Some households provided syntax tank on top of the toilet for water supply wit motor facility. They also provided electricity facility.
    Another 5 families are under construction stage.

  • Juergen Puetz of PALMYRA
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Tue 19 Nov 2013, About 11 Years ago

    Field Vist - Book Keeping

    The field worker visited the village and updated the record for expenditure incurred for the construction of individual toilet.

    Palmyra also helped them for their Panchayath Level Federation accounting and Auditing for the year 2012 t o2013.

  • Juergen Puetz of PALMYRA
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: completed Tue 29 Oct 2013, Over 11 Years ago

    Handing over the toilet to the beneficiaries

    The completed toilets are visited by Sanitation Officer, BDO, Village Panchayath President with beneficiaries today.
    The meeting was held at Library in the village and handed over the toilet to the beneficiaries.

    There are 8 toilets completed in the village and 7 are under construction. The detailed report is given in attachment with pictures.

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  • Juergen Puetz of PALMYRA
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Thu 10 Oct 2013, Over 11 Years ago

    Training on Book Keeping, Construction and its Use

    Training on Book keeping, construction and importance on toilet in the individual household and it use, personal hygiene, health aspects discussed and explained to the beneficiaries at Palmyra Centre with Sanitation Officer from Vanur Block Development Office, Villupuram District. The detailed report is attached for reference.

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  • Juergen Puetz of PALMYRA
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Thu 03 Oct 2013, Over 11 Years ago

    Progress of Construction of Toilet

    3 beneficiaries completed septic tank and started construction of toilet room.
    6 beneficiaries almost completed the septic tank, yet to finish the concrete to cover the tank.
    2 beneficiaries has started digging for construction of septic tank.
    These households are monitored by Palmyra with working group members from the village. We also met the village panchayath and informed about the feed back.

  • Juergen Puetz of PALMYRA
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Sun 22 Sep 2013, Over 11 Years ago

    Field Visit

    Field Worker visited the individual household to assess the progress of toilet construction by individual beneficiaries.

  • Dhanam Narayanasami of PALMYRA
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Wed 18 Sep 2013, Over 11 Years ago

    Followup of construction work

    Organized meeting at Library in Karasanur village. 2 representatives from the Panchayat and 15 beneficiaries were participated in the meeting.
    The discussion held about the following subjects:

    1. Water logging in the septic tank
    2. Low land area beneficiaries facing difficulty to construct during rainy season.
    3. Upper land people are constructing the toilet.
    4. Village panchayat council has been invited to give the PWX sanitation cost to the beneficiary Mrs.Kanniammal during the meeting.
    5. Suggested them to speed up the sanitation work.

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  • Dhanam Narayanasami of PALMYRA
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Wed 11 Sep 2013, Over 11 Years ago

    Physical Implementation

    Meeting was held at Karasanur village in Panchayath office and discussed about the sanitation and its importance. Panchayath also would like to speak with people to complete the work

    Due to rain the work gets delay

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  • Dhanam Narayanasami of PALMYRA
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Sat 07 Sep 2013, Over 11 Years ago

    Physical Implementation

    Discussion held with working group members ar Palmyra regarding the delay in construction of toilet by the beneficiaires.

    Materials organized by individual family for construction. Early monsoon started in Tamil Nadu this year. The septic tank pit has rain water. 5 are continuing the work others keeps delay.

    Palmyra suggested them to construction the toilet when there is no rain. We also organized Mason from other village.

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  • Juergen Puetz of PALMYRA
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Tue 27 Aug 2013, Over 11 Years ago

    Field Visit

    Meeting held at Karasanur village, discussed about the following subjects:

    4 beneficiaries started construction work
    1 beneficiary is going to complete the toilet.
    1 beneficary is constructing septic tank.
    Participants mentioned that the ground water table is high so the septic tank work cannot be started due to sepage of ground water.
    Materials organised for construction of toilet (bricks, sand, blue metal...)
    People requested Village Panchayat/Palmyra to organise a mason to speed up the work.

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  • Juergen Puetz of PALMYRA
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Wed 14 Aug 2013, Over 11 Years ago

    Field Visit

    Palmyra staff visited the construction work, suggested them to construct the septic tank as per the sketch with the help of mason.

    Participants mentioned that the work is getting delay due to rain and tamil month of Aadi. As per the tamil culture people will not start any construction work on this month.

  • Juergen Puetz of PALMYRA
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Fri 02 Aug 2013, Over 11 Years ago

    Field Visit

    2 field workers visited the village and discussed with working group members. 2 beneficiaries started septic tank construction work (Mrs.Kanniammal & Mrs.Molavi).

    Motivated other beneficiaries to start the construction work.

  • Juergen Puetz of PALMYRA
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: completed Fri 26 Jul 2013, Over 11 Years ago

    Selection of Beneficiaries and Formation of Working Group

    The selected beneficiaries were called up for a meeting at Palmyra to discuss about the project implementation methods.
    The following conclusions were made by the beneficiaries:
    The individual household family would like to take responsibility for construction of toilet
    Materials will be purchased by working group especially pan, pipes and doors.
    Some families who are already having jelly, sand which will be used for the toilet construction
    Mason will hire, family member willing to work as a helper to save labor cost.
    The module of septic tank construction will initiate in one beneficiary house first.
    8/15 families would like to construct both toilet and bathroom.
    They will try to finish this construction work by the end of August 31st.
    The bills will be submitted to Palmyra by the working group to receive grant under PWX.
    After completion of the toilet, the subsidy may be claimed from the local authorities.

    The Working Group Members were selected by the beneficiaries:

    1. Mrs. J. Selvanayagi
    2. Mrs. P. Sundari
    3. Mrs. V. Selvi

    Palmyra Representative: Mrs.Valliammal

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  • Juergen Puetz of PALMYRA
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Tue 02 Jul 2013, Over 11 Years ago

    Field Visit

    SHG leaders and PRI jointly selected the beneficiaries list based on the criteria and submitted it to Palmyra NGO.
    Palmyra staff visited the individual household as per the list and chosen 15 houses to start the activity immediately.

  • Juergen Puetz of PALMYRA
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Thu 27 Jun 2013, Over 11 Years ago

    Exposure Visit to Endiyur Village

    An exposure visit was organized for Karasanur People to Endiyur village to learn about their experiences in sanitation program under PWX. There were 18 women members from Karasanur, 6 students from France with a Volunteer Mrs. Nayana from Ashram School participated. The meeting was organized in School Building in the village on 27th June 2013.

    The PWX project beneficiaries 12 members were explained about the following subjects to the new members from Karasanur.
     Individual family members willingness and participation
     Place identification
     Find Mason to complete the toilet in time
     Sketch for toilet
     Construction method of septic tank
     Use of toilet with appropriate maintenance
     Knowledge on personal health and hygiene
     Family getting benefits
     Prevent the environment from pollution
    After the meeting, the participants visited the toilets in the beneficiaries’ house in Endiyur Village.

    The PWX project beneficiaries 12 members were explained about the following subjects to the new members from Karasanur.
     Individual family members willingness and participation
     Place identification
     Find Mason to complete the toilet in time
     Sketch for toilet
     Construction method of septic tank
     Use of toilet with appropriate maintenance
     Knowledge on personal health and hygiene
     Family getting benefits
     Prevent the environment from pollution
    After the meeting, the participants visited the toilets in the beneficiaries’ house in Endiyur Village.

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  • Juergen Puetz of PALMYRA
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Mon 24 Jun 2013, Over 11 Years ago

    Awareness Program on Sanitation

    Palmyra conducted meeting with SHG Members at Library in Karasanur Village: The participants came from 3 streets from the village during the meeting. Palmyra explained about the importance of sanitation activity and promotion of construction of toilet under the PWX in the village with SHGs participation.
    The participants mentioned that they face many difficulties due to open defecation during the night time. They feel that they want of Toilets in their individual household and willing to participate in the program.
    Palmyra conducted awareness on sanitation through presentation and interactions with members.

  • Juergen Puetz of PALMYRA
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Thu 06 Jun 2013, Over 11 Years ago

    Formation of User Group through SHGs / PRIs

    Formation of User Group: SHG leaders has organized an informal meeting and identified the households for the selection of beneficiaries as an initial step.

    Field staffs visited the individual households to select the beneficiaries for the project.

  • Juergen Puetz of PALMYRA
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Fri 10 May 2013, Almost 12 Years ago

    Introductory Meeting on Sanitation with Local People

    Discussion held with Panchayat Raj Institution members and members from Self Help Groups in the village.

    The villagers are interested to participate in the sanitation programme.

  • Juergen Puetz of PALMYRA
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Wed 24 Apr 2013, Almost 12 Years ago

    Preliminary Meeting with SHGs / Panchayath Raj Institutions

    Participants: Mrs. Selvanayagi, Representative of Self Help Group
    Mrs. Sundari, Representative of Self Help Group
    Mr. Gnanasegaran, Village Panchayath President
    Mr. Janarthanan, Panchayath Clerk.

    Palmyra Staff: Mrs. Dhanam and Valliyammal

    Discussion Held: Palmyra introduced about the sanction of the sanitation program for the village to construct 25 toilets for the rural families in Karasanur village under the PWX fund.
    The Panchayath President asked that whether the construction can be carried out by the village panchayath or Palmyra. We told them that the decisions will be taken by the beneficiaries.
    We explained to the leaders / PRIs to follow the criteria for selection of the beneficiaries:
    1. Poor family
    2. Availability of space for toilet construction
    3. Willingness to participate
    4. Able to contribute
    5. Construct the toilet in time
    6. All family members use the toilet with maintenance.
    7. Assess the type of house such as Thatched Roof / Govt. Quarters / small concrete house

    Conclusion: The people showed interest to involve in the activity. Next meeting date was fixed on 10th of May 2013.

  • Implementation Phase Project started on 1 Apr, 2013 Preparation Phase

The Women SHGs will identify the suitable beneficiaries to participate in the individual household toilet program.

The women SHGs will take the responsibility with the facilitation of Palmyra for site selection, collection of contribution, construction



