Member Profile: Humana People to People India

Member Type
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Peer Water Exchange | Status: approved
Also shown on map.

We introduce ourselves as Humana People to People India, a Non Governmental Organization established in India in 1998, under the Companies Act 1956, for promoting objectives of the nature specified in Section 25(1)(A) and registered under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act 1976.

Humana People to People India (HPPI) is a member organization of the Federation for Associations connected to the International Humana People to People Movement. The Federation works in 28 countries across 05 continents. It was founded on the precept that the Organization should be secular, people oriented and with the fundamental understanding that it is the people themselves who have to understand and make changes towards social development and economic growth. As a response to the call from the world summit on children in 1989, HPPI decided to start a number of Projects under the headline “Child Aid” where the child is at the heart of all our activities. The Child Aid projects targets the whole community with all aspects of development through the 10 lines which are as follows:-
Line 1 : Strengthening the economy of the Family
Line 2 : Health and Hygiene
Line 3 : Preschools
Line 4 : Children and youth as active in the political, social, cultural and economical sphere of society
Line 5 : People in difficult circumstances
Line 6 : Education
Line 7 : District Development
Line 8 : Environment
Line 9 : Women Empowerment
Line10 : Partnership in Development

We also implement specific projects on HIV/AIDS, Environment, Vocational training, Academy for working children and Training centre for global development.

The faith entrusted by the communities where we work, the society in general and your belief that HPPI can be construed as a trusted partner for developmental work is something that keeps us going

Date Founded 1998-05-21
Primary Focus Capacity Building
Secondary Focus Drinking Water - Community
History of Water Projects
Related work not on PWX.

Ground Water Recharge and Water & Soil Conservation, Dausa
Main Focus
The main focus of the project is to develop model in the community to save environment from pollution in rural Rajasthan. There are 12 parameters which each village has to follow in order to become complined with safe environment. These parameters are like management of waste water, plantation of trees, having toilets in homes for sanitation, having smokeless chulhas etc.

Social Impact / Accumulative Figures
The project has reached 14,000 people, 15 Farmer Clubs have been established, 10 Youth clubs, 12 model gardens, 10 fields have been bio fenced with Jatropha, 2 dug wells have been recharged and 1 pond has been recharged.

4. Green Post Tsunami Action in Tamil Nadu
Main Focus
The "Green Post-Tsunami Action" project aims at improving livelihoods in 60 coastal villages of Tamil Nadu, India, by mobilizing and assisting the inhabitants to rehabilitate their communities from the tsunami damages in an ecologically sustainable manner through using innovative low-cost technologies, and through improving the general ecological equilibrium in order to achieve better preparedness against future natural disasters. The target groups are women, dalits, tribals and other disadvantaged community members. The Project shall reach 45,000 people in the four districts Tiruvellur, Kanjiapuram, Vallipuram and Cuddalore.
The main activities are supply of safe water and sanitation -also to temporary shelters-, groundwater recharge and water conservation, rehabilitation of salt affected agricultural land, promotion of sustainable and diversified farming methods, improvement of tree cover and improvement of the natural systems to increase resilience and reduce damages from future natural disasters.

Social Impact / Accumulative Figures
The project has shown positive outcomes as, 60 villages are covered, 177 boreholes drilled, 177 rope pumps installed, 130 model fields established with SRI - System for Rice Intensification, 189 Vermicompost established and EM, and 60 WATSAN Committees set up.
Harit Sankalp, Bheror
Main Focus
The idea of the project is to turn around a cycle of environmental degradation in a rural community of Rajasthan from being out of balance with nature, to become a model of environmental sustainability. These parameters include demands within waste management, soil and water conservation, sanitation and wasteland development.

Social Impact / Accumulative Figures
The project has formed 15 Village committees, 49Household with systems to collect rainwater, 105 Household with systems to reuse waste water for irrigation, 145 Household with kitchen gardens for vegetable production, 25 Households with drip irrigation/ sprinkler systems in the kitchen garden and 85 Households have latrines for proper sanitation.

Organization Background

It is about fostering new generations with golden hearts and heads and hands, well educated and with a personal ethic of such proportions that humanized relationships of all sizes can serve as substitutes for all sorts of dehumanised phenomenon.
It is about improving democracy, advancing production, building up trade relations, generating services and it is about scanning all brains to create new portions of know how. It is about concentrating on the important task of transferring the results of efforts from places where development is well ahead to places where it is dawning or even absent. It is about establishing capable institutions for education and health. It is about improving human relationships on a contemporary basis and to modern standards. It is about emancipation of every single human being on the level of personal happiness and, at the same time making each human being responsible for the happiness of his neighbors through practical methods. And as always in the question of development it is about promoting and preventing.
Preventing the dehumanising of society, of institutions and of you and me. Promoting the humanization of mankind, the only art form that contains the seeds to the flowers of happiness for all. From black-white to all colours at random. From the struggle for liberation to the struggle for development” (from the charter of Humana People to People).

Humana People to People India’s mission is to create development in the broadest sense. Especially through the establishment and implementation of projects that aim at transferring knowledge, skills and capacity to individuals and communities that need assistance to come out of poverty and dehumanized conditions.
Humana People to People India works with the people as partners in finding solutions and in creating the necessary conditions to improve their living standards and to achieve their aspiration for a just and humanized life for themselves, their families and their communities.
It is further Humana People to People India’s mission to promote humanization of man, and to protect the weak and the outcast and to go against all forms of discrimination, oppression and exploitation.

Humana People to People India aims to have an effect on the eradication of poverty, the control of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, education for all, health care for all and for people to have the power do decide over their own destinies.

Humana People to People India is a non-political, non-religious organization

Our strength
Humana People to People India works on community development from a holistic approach. Our strength is a dedicated and well-educated staff that lives and works at the project areas. They mobilize people to join community-based organizations and encourage them to take initiatives in formulating and carrying out the activities. Samples of community based organizations are: Village Water and Sanitation Committees, Parents – Teachers committees, Farmers Clubs, Women’s Self-Help-Groups, Common Interest Groups, Youth Clubs, Active Kids Clubs. For each individual who participate in community work it is an experience and a skill the person will carry along for the rest of the life. For the community it is a lesson in improving common life conditions by lifting together.

Humana People to People India has good experience locally and globally in implementation of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Education Programs.

HPPI has experienced and dedicated staff members to run HIV/AIDS prevention, Community Development, Environment and education projects in any state of India.

Type of Projects
Humana People to People India is implementing 23 Social Development projects on :- Community Development, Environment, HIV / AIDS, Health, Education of adolescent girls, street and working children; across eight states of India, viz. Rajasthan, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry.

Annual Water and Sanitation Budget
(in USD)
Annual Non-Water
(in USD)
Bank Info
American Express Bank 21, Old Court House Street Kolkata-700001 Title: Humana People to People India Account Number: 410801681 FCRA NUMBER: 231660194

Short video of rope pump

Profile and Logo

Last Updated: 12 Jul, 2019 (over 5 years ago)

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